00 353 1 4539955
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Patient Services
Care Guidelines

Mervyn Nixon :: Ocularist & facial Prosthetics


Mervyn has provided a clinical fitting service for artificial eyes, lens, ears and all other facial prostheses for over thirty years.  He has served all the major Irish hospitals as well as Northern Ireland.

He first set up in private practice in 1979 having worked with Alfred Lesser from London and training with the Branemark Implant System in Gothenburg, Sweden.

All artificial eyes are fabricated individually for the patient and hand painted to match the companion eye perfectly and the shape is determined by the taking of an impression with soft impression material and wax modelling. It should be note that the procedure is painless.

Mervyn has a laboratory on site which means that any adjustments, say, a colour bias when the eye is completed can be rectified quickly  without the need to send it out of the country and the attendant delays involved.

:: Second eye with larger pupil for night use at no extra charge ::

*Does not apply to HSE patients with a medical card

Contact Details

34 South Circular Road Portobello,
Dublin 8

Phone: 01 4539955

Mobile: 0876818262

email: info@mervynnixon.com

Picture of Mervyn

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